If you’re curious about the Akashic Records, this is a great place to start! This free event offers the opportunity to receive personal guidance, gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the Records, and release some stress!
Kasia Rachfall is an integrative healer, energy magician, and mentor, who uses Energy Kinesiology principles to help regulate the nervous system/mind/body/emotions so that people can connect more easily with their intuition. The Akashic Records are a field of all the information in our Universe, which we can learn to access using our intuitive faculties. This is one way that we may receive guidance in our own lives.
In this group reading Kasia will answer one question per person from their Records, accessing and relaying this information and allowing us each to experience this process. Then she will use Energy Kinesiology balancing techniques to conduct a group balance to help integrate the wisdom that comes through.
Before the event you will receive an email from us (insight@gemskinesiologycollege) with the Zoom link and a short booklet that contains more information about the Records as well as some guidance for how to ask effective questions. You can then reply to that email with your question for the Akashic Records.
The Event:
Online on Zoom, Tuesday July 12, 2022
18:00 PDT, 19:00 CST, 21:00 EDT, 11:00 AEST (Wednesday), or convert to your time zone here.
Photo and info used with permission from Kasia Rachfall.