The following protocols and generator were created by Hannah Costello.
Balancing Earth Element Protocol:
Intention: to balance the Earth Element as a whole, as a self-balance or to use with clients.
- Permissions and prechecks.
- Goal and assessment. (optional: use keywords to determine priority areas for balancing)
- Determine stress to diffuse using ‘out of balance’ keywords or preferred method.
- Determine positive attributes to infuse using ‘in balance’ keywords or preferred method.
- Correct using complete correction below, or whichever parts of it are necessary.
- Restate goal and reassess.
Earth Element Correction:
Intention: to balance the two meridians, yin and yang, the energy meeting between Earth and sky; and to ground and center the body.
- Plant your feet, evenly balanced.
- Trace Stomach meridian three times.
- Rub gait points.
- Trace Spleen meridian three times.
- Cross your arms to hold SP21 (meridian end point) in a hug around chest. Take three belly breaths into center.
- Hold ESR while thinking about the attribute you are infusing and how they relate to the stress you are diffusing.
Balancing our Planet Protocol:
Intention: to bring a balancing, healing influence to the planet Earth itself, and in doing so connect with it on an energetic level and creating resonance with the Earth element within us.
If it is helpful, you can imagine working with a ‘Mother Earth’ personification throughout this balance.
- Ask permission to surrogate for the Earth.
- “I am willing and able to surrogate for the planet Earth,” or preferred surrogation set-up.
- Set a goal using the generator or one that shows stress. Assess.
- Connect with the Earth using the suggestions from the generator or your own method.
- Hold ESR points and navel. Either hold as usual (30 seconds to 2 minutes; until you feel a shift) and skip to step 7, or do the following visualization.
- (Feel free to rest your arm or move both hands to your stomach if they tire during the visualization)
While holding the points, imagine how the goal may feel from the point of view of the planet. Visualize your own Earth Element within your body, and fill that space with peace, optimism, and compassion. Imagine your Earth Element becoming full and overflowing, those feelings effortlessly spreading to the people around you, and sinking back into the Earth. If you are picturing a personification of the planet, offer them this abundance of peace, optimism, and compassion. Imagine it filling the molten core of the planet and reaching out to touch all the plants and animals, out into the atmosphere. Align it with the frequency of the Earth itself, resonating around the planet. Once the planet is carrying the frequency, come back to your body. Notice your Earth Element within yourself, notice your connection to the Earth and how the two of you are caring for each other.
Feel your feet on the ground, your body rooted, your hand on your navel; feeling centered and present in your body. When you’re ready, open your eyes. - Restate the goal and re-assess.
- “I am 100% [name] in the here and now,” or preferred method of closing surrogation.