See all courses taught at the GEMS College of Energy Medicine.
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Touch for Health is usually taught in a series of four weekends or in a week-long intensive retreat. It is the foundation of Specialized Kinesiology. Over the course of the four levels students learn how to monitor 42 muscles and a series of simple yet powerful corrective techniques. These muscles work as indicators for the 14 pathways of meridian flow.
The full Touch for Health™ Course Syllabus as approved by the International Kinesiology College is laid out below for each level. Check the Events schedule for upcoming classes.
Upon finishing the four levels, you can take a Proficiency Assessment as part of your criteria towards the TFH Consultant Program or in preparation for the TFH Instructor Workshop. Touch for Health classes are either taught in-person or online at a specific time with an instructor. Students will be expected to have cameras on and someone to work with for this class (the instructor can offer more details about what times you may need a partner.)
More information about Touch for Health as a Modality.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
15 hours, typically taught over a single weekend.
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) instructors. These certificates will be supplied by your instructor and are recognized around the world.
Learning Outcomes:
Opposing Muscle Theory/Triangle of Health
Accurate Muscle Testing
Switch On – K27, CV24 & GV27, GV1+Navel
Water Check / Central Meridian Check / Permissions
Cross Crawl for Fun
General Meridian Massage
Origin/Insertion Technique
Bilateral Muscle Correction Technique
Emotional Stress Release
Strengthening with Foods
Visual Inhibition & Auricular Exercise
Surrogate Testing
Simple Pain Techniques – running meridians, feathering
Posture Awareness, Goal Balancing
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
15 hours, typically taught over a single weekend.
TFH Level 1
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) instructors. These certificates will be supplied by your instructor and are recognized around the world.
Learning Outcomes:
Review of TFH 1
Pre-tests and Corrections using Circuit Locating
Golgi / Spindle Proprioceptors
Acupressure Holding Points, Yin/Yang
Balancing using Wheel
Alarm Points – Over Energy
Law of Five Element Theory
ESR for Future Performance
Meridian Massage
Cross Crawl for Integration
Cerebro-Spinal Technique
Food Testing
Neurolymphatic Release
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
15 hours, typically taught over a single weekend.
TFH Levels 1 and 2.
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) instructors. These certificates will be supplied by your instructor and are recognized around the world.
Learning Outcomes:
Review of TFH 1 & TFH 2
5 Element Goal Balancing with Emotions
5 Element Goal Balancing with Food
Acupressure Holding Points Theory & Practice (Sedation Techniques)
Color Balance
Pulses and Pain Tapping
Circuit Retaining Mode
Reactive Muscles
Facilitation and Inhibition
ESR for Past Trauma
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
15 hours, typically taught over a single weekend.
TFH Levels 1, 2 and 3.
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) instructors. These certificates will be supplied by your instructor and are recognized around the world.
Learning Outcomes:Review of TFH 1 to TFH 3
Figure 8 Energy
Five Elements and Meridian Review
Five Element Emotion
Balancing with Sound
Acupressure Holding Points in Depth
Luo Points
Time of Day Balance
Postural Stress Release
Neurolymphatic Release
Posture Analysis
42 Muscle Balance Head to Toe
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
60 hours. The synthesis is simply all four levels of TFH. Can be taught as a series of individual workshops (as above) or as an 8-day intensive.
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) instructors. These certificates will be supplied by your instructor and are recognized around the world.
Touch for Health™ Level 1 (15 hours)
Opposing Muscle Theory/Triangle of Health
Accurate Muscle Testing
Switch On – K27, CV24 & GV27, GV1+Navel
Water Check / Central Meridian Check / Permissions
Cross Crawl for Fun
General Meridian Massage
Origin/Insertion Technique
Bilateral Muscle Correction Technique
Emotional Stress Release
Strengthening with Foods
Visual Inhibition & Auricular Exercise
Surrogate Testing
Simple Pain Techniques – running meridians, feathering
Posture Awareness, Goal Balancing
Touch for Health™ Level 2 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1
Pre-tests and Corrections using Circuit Locating
Golgi / Spindle Proprioceptors
Acupressure Holding Points, Yin/Yang
Balancing using Wheel
Alarm Points – Over Energy
Law of Five Element Theory
ESR for Future Performance
Meridian Massage
Cross Crawl for Integration
Cerebro-Spinal Technique
Food Testing
Neurolymphatic Release
Touch for Health™ Level 3 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1 & TFH 2
5 Element Goal Balancing with Emotions
5 Element Goal Balancing with Food
Acupressure Holding Points Theory & Practice (Sedation Techniques)
Color Balance
Pulses and Pain Tapping
Circuit Retaining Mode
Reactive Muscles
Facilitation and Inhibition
ESR for Past Trauma
Touch for Health™ Level 4 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1 to TFH 3
Figure 8 Energy
Five Elements and Meridian Review
Five Element Emotion
Balancing with Sound
Acupressure Holding Points in Depth
Luo Points
Time of Day Balance
Postural Stress Release
Neurolymphatic Release
Posture Analysis
42 Muscle Balance Head to Toe
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
15 hours, typically taught over a single weekend.
TFH Level 2 or higher.
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) instructors. These certificates will be supplied by your instructor and are recognized around the world.
How to efficiently utilize the 111 metaphors in the TFH Pocketbook with Chinese 5 Element Metaphors and Touch for Health Complete Edition to feel better and to gain new insight and enthusiasm for your life.
Adding the Metaphors of 55 aspects of the Five Elements, 14 Meridian/Organ Functions & 42 Muscle Anatomy/Function/Action/Gesture, we have 111 separate sets of images that can be dynamically incorporated into our balancing sessions. Learn how to coach your clients through a process to find clarity in their goals and come to a deeper understanding of what is happening within the body.
Learning Outcomes:
- More understanding of the meridians/muscles/organs and elements taught in TFH.
- A unique and empowering way to work with clients.
- A creative, right-brain approach to muscle testing work.
- An effective system for self-balancing.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
15 hours, typically taught over a single weekend.
TFH Synthesis (all 4 levels).
Students are expected to have case studies for each level or have completed the TFH Workbook (expectations are different in different countries).
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) assessors. Students who successfully complete the assessments will be certified and can choose to move on to Instructor Training if they would like. These certificates will be supplied by your assessor and are recognized around the world.
This is a 2-day Workshop where you will work with other TFH’ers who have completed the TFH Synthesis (1-4). Completing a review of all the TFH material, answering your specific questions, receiving time for further practice, and experiencing a written and a practical assessment will help you feel solid with the material. This workshop is a prerequisite to entering the Instructor Training Workshop. In some countries it is an entry-level qualification for entering their professional associations.
Learning Outcomes:
- Review of the TFH curriculum
- Practice with peers
- Preparation for Training Workshop
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
60 hours, typically taught as an 8-day intensive.
TFH Synthesis (all 4 levels), TFH Proficiency Assessment.
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) Trainers. Students who successfully complete the assessments will be certified and become IKC Instructors. These certificates will be supplied by your Trainer and are recognized around the world.
This course will push you to refine your TFH techniques and become a better teacher and communicator. The class is very ‘hands on’ and you will spend time actually teaching parts of the course so that you feel very confident with the material before leaving.
Learning Outcomes:
- Communication skills and classroom training
- Fine tuning of TFH class material
- The ability to teach certified TFH classes and workshops
GEMS was created by Alexis Costello and started as a way to help people organize their knowledge into a more streamlined format and begin working more effectively with clients. Since then, it has spiralled into many different courses and this online institution and home for practitioners.
The philosophy behind the GEMS classes is what eventually gave birth to this school; the desire to help as many people as possible to become really good practitioners, bringing the power of muscle testing to the world. These classes put an emphasis on practical application of theory and teaching how to work with clients and how to think through a session more than just following a protocol.
GEMS stands for Goal, Element, Mode, Stack. This is the name of the modality which contains the following courses. All GEMS courses can be navigated with the GEMS flow chart and contain scan sheets for easy organization of information and flow between modalities.
This inspired and allowed for the creating of the GEMS College of Energy Medicine (in which GEMS stands for Goal, Element, Modality, Stack).
“GEMS courses” refers to the following set of workshops, while “GEMS College” refers to the organization. The two are not interchangeable, as the College is a platform for many courses that are not part of this modality.
Originally a course based on knowledge from Touch for Health, GEMS was created to make it easier to use all that newfound knowledge in practice, and teach bridging tools to make advanced Specialized Kinesiology courses easier to learn and incorporate.
Since then, GEMS has expanded as a modality to include courses on a variety of topics. To date, all GEMS courses have been written by Alexis Costello.
Some GEMS classes are either taught in-person or online at a specific time with an instructor. In these cases, students will be expected to have cameras on and someone to work with for this class (the instructor can offer more details about what times you may need a partner.)
Others are available as on-demand courses for you to complete at your own pace. You will be expected to complete a short quiz at the end, and submit a request for your certificate.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
8 hours, typically taught in conjunction with GEMS Intro to Business over a weekend.
TFH Synthesis.
The GEMS College of Energy Medicine has trained and certified GEMS instructors around the world in several different languages. Our certified instructors have access to support and resource materials that are updated as needed so we can all continue to teach consistent and relevant material.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for GEMS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all GEMS courses taught through the College are in English, however there are currently instructors teaching in Dutch, French, and Polish, and we can connect you with an instructor in your language if you are interested, or you can go to to see the GEMS directory.
GEMS Flow offers an easy-to-follow flow chart that allows a student or practitioner to easily figure out where the priority stressors for an individual are and what balancing technique will work to resolve these efficiently. It is based on information from the TFH synthesis and is designed to allow a practitioner to flow easily from one modality to another, incorporating the entire body of knowledge available to the individual.
GEMS also works as a bridging class for those interested in taking more in-depth Specialized Kinesiology classes, such as SIPS, LEAP, Brain Integration, etc. These classes assume that a student has knowledge of how to use finger-modes and scan sheets, work from an indicator muscle and properly stack information however none of these techniques are part of the TFH curriculum. GEMS familiarizes students with these methods so one does not feel overwhelmed when arriving to the classroom of more advanced courses.
Learning Outcomes:
- Proper protocols for hand modes and stacking
- Working with the Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- The ability to move quickly and fluidly to the root of the issue
- Integration of all modalities under one umbrella
- Practical learning experience with demonstration
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
8 hours, typically taught in conjunction with GEMS Flow over a weekend.
Desire to learn more about working as a professional in the natural health field.
The GEMS College of Energy Medicine has trained and certified GEMS instructors around the world in several different languages. Our certified instructors have access to support and resource materials that are updated as needed so we can all continue to teach consistent and relevant material.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for GEMS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all GEMS courses taught through the College are in English, however there are currently instructors teaching in Dutch, French, and Polish, and we can connect you with an instructor in your language if you are interested, or you can go to to see the GEMS directory.
A masterclass for those who wish to discuss aspects like pricing, client retention, marketing, office set-up and organization, networking, web presence and more! This class is tailored to the needs of the group. Practice management and ethics training.
Learning Outcomes:
- Feel more confident about starting your business
- Small group coaching
- Practice management and ethics, required for TFH consultant status in many countries
- Begin creating a marketing strategy; examples of marketing, websites and social media for holistic health practitioners
Self-paced course available on-demand (purchase course now).
None. Scansheets are compatible with other GEMS courses.
After completion of course material you will be expected to complete a short quiz and submit a request to receive your certificate from the College.
Why should I bother learning anything about nutrition when I can use an indicator muscle and a scan sheet to tell me what someone needs? Here are a few reasons why nutritional information is still important:
- The more information you have, the wider a range of files available in your bio-computer to chose from for people.
- The more info you can give people about why they should do/take/eat something, the more likely you are to get compliance, thus helping them to feel better faster.
- The more info people have the more you bring the attention of their conscious minds to the task at hand (i.e. utilization of a vitamin/mineral/amino from their diets).
- It makes you sound smart.
In the Touch for Health self-responsibility model, you learn that you, as a practitioner, never ‘heal’ or ‘cure’ your client, you simply help them in their own process. Similarly, foods and supplements don’t cure people; rather they offer building blocks and energy to allow the body to fix itself. Suggesting food for your clients and teaching them about food is a way of speeding up their healing journey. Healing your body with food makes sense; you have to eat anyway.
This ‘crash course’ style quickie workshop discusses some of the basics of nutrition, including macro and micronutrients, the energy of food and eating to work with the 5-Elements of Chinese medicine. At the end, you’ll find scan sheets that can be added to your GEMS Flow chart and the scan sheets that you are already using. The intention is that when you come up with nutrition as either a stress or as a correction, you can flip to the appropriate scan sheet and use muscle testing to figure out what the body could use more or less of.
- A short workbook that goes into some of the basics of nutrition. This is really basic; just a breakdown of macro and micro nutrients and how they work in the body.
- General Nutrition Scan Sheets. Scan lists for macronutrients so practitioners can identify the proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are most beneficial for the client at the moment. Micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.
- Element Scan Sheets. A page for each element showing the nutrients and herbs that can be used to bring balance to that particular area of the body.
- Follow up session with an instructor via Zoom. This is a self paced online class, but you might have questions or want to discuss how to best make use of the material. After you have downloaded the booklet and scan sheets, we arrange a meeting to chat and go over anything you would like extra clarification on. (Or just to talk about food. Whatever works for you! You can book this through the Mentor Office Hours page, or by sending us an email.)
See our Course page to purchase these materials and start learning!
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
15 hours, typically taught over a single weekend.
Currently the only instructor for this course is Alexis Costello.
Basic muscle testing skills needed. Ability to stack and use hand modes recommended. Scansheets are compatible with other GEMS courses.
The GEMS College of Energy Medicine has trained and certified GEMS instructors around the world in several different languages. Our certified instructors have access to support and resource materials that are updated as needed so we can all continue to teach consistent and relevant material.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for GEMS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
What is GEMS Elementals?
The purpose of this class is to take a deeper dive into 5 Element Theory. It’s an exploration of the elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) including the energetic physiology of the organ systems and the five spirits manifested within. Here we will consider the energetic physiology of the organs and meridians, learn about the 5-Spirits and work with protocols for the wei chi, tan tien and personality attributes. It’s a deep dive into personality and balances that allow you to find equilibrium within your dominant element. It’s a chance to balance life cycles and big goals.
Learning Outcomes:
- The 7 Elements
- 5 Spirits
- 3 Tan tien
- New Protocols and Balances; tan tien, wei chi, yin / yang integration
- New formats, and modes
- 2 days to rock your world!
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, typically taught over three consecutive days, i.e. Friday through Sunday.
This course is currently also available as an on-demand self-paced course. Note: This is the recording from the live, first ever teaching of GEMS Dimensions, held in February 2022. It is unedited – this is just the class as it was; unprofessional, with real people and real questions. If you would prefer to wait until the next time this class is run so you can participate in person, please check the Events and Workshop page.
Currently the only instructor for this course is Alexis Costello.
Basic muscle testing skills needed. Ability to stack and use hand modes recommended. Scansheets are compatible with other GEMS courses.
The GEMS College of Energy Medicine has trained and certified GEMS instructors around the world in several different languages. Our certified instructors have access to support and resource materials that are updated as needed so we can all continue to teach consistent and relevant material.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for GEMS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
The overarching themes of this class are:
- How we organize and use information/energy inside ourselves, from DNA coils, to holding information in a session, to understanding levels of consciousness.
- How we link energetically to others, from distance sessions, to energetic cords to group matrix work.
- How we transcend and transform our current understanding of physics, biology and genetics to open ourselves up to new dimensions of possibility. (Note, this is the kind of sentence that I make fun of when I see it in a book, but I really don’t know how else to describe what I am trying to do here!)
Things we will be discussing in this course:
- Stacking and ways of holding information in session – morpho and morphogenetic fields
- Etheric moding
- Cellular crystals
- Solid grounding, connection and energetic shielding
- Layers and levels of consciousness and accessing these
- Creation of a super-conscious workspace
- Different kinds and forms of energy flow
- Distance work and quantum entanglement
- Matrix work in groups of people and families
- Epigenetics and the role of emotion, energy and trauma in genetic expression
- Lineage stress
And most importantly, balancing for all of the above!
A ten-week self-paced course following Holistic Freedom – A KinesioGeek Workbook complete with lectures and assignments, to get your business started.
SIPS was created by Ian Stubbings. Using the acupressure system, SIPS allows you to work in a deep way with stress in the body in all of its forms, and to understand the body’s electrical power and the energetic laws that govern us. SIPS works beautifully with other systems, making them even more effective.
With SIPS, Ian answers the question; what is the ‘energy’ that specialized kinesiologists are working with? Stressed cells draw on the meridian system to help maintain homeostasis in the body but over time health will suffer. SIPS allows the energy pathways to reset, removing resistance to healing.
Resistance to healing energy limits the effectiveness of any treatment method. SIPS identifies the types of stress involved that creates this blockage and disperses the resistance so that the healing treatment can be directed at a profound and core level.
Ian Stubbings created the first SIPS workshop in association with Dr. Charles Krebs as a way of simplifying the ‘Powers of Stress’ procedure in Applied Physiology (developed by Richard Utt). These protocols were effective for dealing with ‘stuck’ muscles, but time-consuming. SIPS allows for deep balances that bring all the stressors ‘online’ at once in a quick and effective way.
Every level of SIPS works with a chakra and the corresponding layer of the auric field. The physics of this are explained in detail in Level One, so you understand thoroughly how these energy systems work and how the auric field is created.
SIPS classes are either taught in-person or online at a specific time with an instructor. Students will be expected to have cameras on and someone to work with for this class (the instructor can offer more details about what times you may need a partner.)
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, taught over three consecutive days.
SIPS is not an entry-level Specialized Kinesiology class. Before registering for this class students should have some basic kinesiology training, including:
- Muscle testing skills, both the ability to test a specific muscle for functionality and use an indicator muscle – ideally 14 basic muscles with meridian associations.
- At least a couple of energetic corrections, whatever they might be. Students should be able to scan Neurolymphatic and Neurovascular corrections from charts in SIPS 1 manual.
- A basic understanding of meridians, students need to bring a list of meridians/points/reference chart.
- Professionalism, which includes the ability to provide basic client education about bioenergetic muscle testing, discuss self-responsibility, and demonstrate respect for clients/ fellow students, etc.
- Pause lock and stacking.
- Basic hand modes and use to identify certain stresses can be helpful (not mandatory).
It is the responsibility of the instructor to prequalify students for classes and determine if they are adequately prepared to support any gaps in learning so that students are relatively competent with the protocol at the end of SIPS One. Your instructor might ask some questions about your training so they can help you have the best class experience.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
Learn a revolutionary way of how to work with overfacilitated and underfacilitated muscles, tendons, and ligaments, including retinaculi and tendon sheath.
Balancing primal emotions of the limbic system.
How to reduce pain in the body tissues.
Why the body resists healing.
How to balance joints in the body to significantly improve their function.
How to balance a knee joint using the major 21 muscles surrounding it.
Learning Outcomes:
- This class is the foundation of the SIPS modality and sets the student up for future levels
- An understanding of Ohm’s law and how the Body Electric works
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, taught over three consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
Extends the SIPS technique onwards from the static balancing processes in SIPS 1 into more vibrant, dynamic balancing techniques. Introduces the highly effective and useful Continuous Record Mode. Addresses the electrical polarity 1 the body including Switching and Deep Level Switching. Learn how to balance the Corpus Callosum and Hydration to give the body a very stable electrical base on which changes can be made. You cannot build a stable structure on an unstable foundation.
Learning Outcomes:
- Learn how to balance Un-monitorable Muscles (muscles that cannot be directly monitored).
- How to balance muscles in Extension using SIPS Points
- How to link the Right & Left side energy systems using Circuit Mode
- How to find linked imbalances using Circuit Mode
- How to locate Deep Compensated Switching, and SIPS Points to deepen corrections
- How to balance Hydration and Ionization imbalances using SIPS Points
- How to access and deepen the correction for Corpus Callosum, Association & Projection Fibres
- How to balance Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Emotions using Specific SIPS Points and Plutchik’s Circumplex Evolutionary Model of Emotions
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, taught over three consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
SIPS 3 is a natural progression from SIPS 1 & 2 to the third level of the Human Body Energy Model: The Mental Body on the Physical Plane. Aspects of mind and mental function are explored in relation to the mental level of resistance and theoretical models of energy, mind and thoughtforms.
SIPS 3 encompasses a significant body of work which will enhance your clinical practice.
Learning Outcomes:
- Stress Indicator Points for states of mind, mental function, thinking, levels of consciousness, and the primary senses amongst others are introduced in this workshop.
- A number of invaluable Stress Indicator Points for different types of tissue and structural systems are included to expand the effectiveness of working on the physical body.
- A very simple yet very powerful SIPS correction technique is presented within this workshop.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, taught over three consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
SIPS 4 is associated with the forth level of the Human Body Energy Model; The Astral Body on the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane acts as a bridge between the physical domain and the spiritual domain (or the tangible to the intangible) and as such is vital to our well being. SIPS 4 therefore is our introduction to spiritual concepts within the SIPS theoretical framework. The astral level of resistance is strongly associated with heart energy and is the most powerful within the SIPS series. SIPS 4 expands the SIPS model of energy to encompass the magneto-electric dimension. SIPS 4 is a gentle yet stimulating workshop that opens our mind and work to new levels of our being.
Note: it is important to understand that SIPS does not teach or endorse any religious theory. Rather, it identifies that, when people are not living the life they know they should be, when there is conflict between beliefs and reality or when the spiritual part of the body has been cut off, there is stress. SIPS is simply about removing stress which keeps us from healing ourselves.
Learning Outcomes:
- Topics covered within this workshop include aspects of self and spirit, the human aura, transduction and chakras.
- Nadi and kundalini energy, reverse energy flow, blocked energy, figure 8 energy and so on.
- A very important section on inflammation stress is included in addition to another powerful SIPS correction technique.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, taught over three consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
SIPS 5 introduce us to the Fifth Level of our Auric Body, described as the Etheric Template, our energy blueprint. The SIPS Energy Model is further developed and provides an overall understanding of the nature of our being from the physical to the spiritual levels of consciousness and forms of energy.
The fifth energy level of our being is associated with the throat chakra which is related to a person’s expression, ability to communicate and personality. The SIPS 5 workshop explores a number of aspects of psychology including personality, behaviour and identity issues. A model of self and identity is presented, encompassing a person’s nature, nurture and navigation through life. Five fundamental questions regarding change are addressed.
Learning Outcomes:
- The Plutchik model of Primary Emotions is expanded to reveal an emotional feedback loop mechanism. This feedback model opens up a far greater understanding of our emotional processes and provides far greater understanding of our emotional processes and provides further breadth in our balancing. Personality types, traits and defence mechanisms are included within this model.
- The concept of Envirogenetics is introduced to gain an understanding of our threshold to stress and the root cause of imbalances. Negative energy fields and surrogation are included in order to more readily deal with these forms of imbalances that impact upon our personality and well being.
- The Etheric Template Level of Amperage and Resistance is presented to reveal blocks and resistance at this higher frequency level of our being. A very powerful yet simple correction called The Grand Design Factor is also presented.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, taught over three consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
The sixth level is associated with the brow chakra, the third eye and pineal gland. This workshop centres on our interaction with light and its impact upon our being and the co-ordination of our biological cycles.
The day and night cycles have direct impact on the function of the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system. One very large feedback system is involved that is balanced via the Neuro-Endocrine Alignment Protocol (NEAP).
Learning Outcomes:
- Topics covered include the pineal, EMG radiation, photo receptive system, the eyes, biological cycles, sleep cycles, ANS, Hypothalamus, Circumventricular Organs, Endocrine System, Glands and Hormones, Neuro- Endocrine System, Primary Neurotransmitters and the Gland – Chakra Energy Matrix etc.
- SIPS 6 provides the ability to balance individual glands and hormones and their associated feedback loops or balance the whole integrated neural endocrine system via the NEAP Protocol. SIPS 6 encompasses The Celestial Level of Amperage and Resistance and the SIPS Light Correction.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, taught over three consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
Brain function has traditionally been solely focused on nerves and neurons. This workshop introduces a primitive energy “nervous” system that functions in conjunction with the glial cell system. The discovery of this system is the result of a lifetime of research by Robert Becker MD.
Ian Stubbings has coined the name “Nervetronic System” for this primitive system. The Nervetronic System co-ordinates and controls the brain and the entire nervous system. Without this primitive system functioning via the glial cell system, the nervous system does not function effectively or coherently and any form of integration is lost. This primary system is not only vital for brain balancing but also for body healing and repair. The Nervetronic System functions via the semi-conduction of electricity throughout the glial cell system and links directly with the basic principles of the SIPS System. Research has shown it is the electrical signal that stimulates the growth and repair process independent of ANY neuronal transmission.
Learning Outcomes:
- Advanced CRM, challenge mode, the pre-frontal cortex and associated functions
- many aspects of mind and the Mental Alignment Protocol (MAP).
- SIPS 7 encompasses The Ketheric Level (upper mental) of Amperage and Resistance.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, taught over three consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
Sips 8, explores the mystery of the Universe and our place within it. An orderly and harmonious Universe is more aptly described as the Cosmos. Sips 8, encompasses our relationship with the Cosmos via the Cosmic Plane and associated amperage & resistance points. Sips 8, completes the Sips Energy Model providing further insight into the nature of our being.
Sips 8, introduces us to a fascinating brain chemical called DMT (dimethyltryptamine). Research indicates DMT regulates our everyday perception of reality and therefore plays a major role in the regulation and integration of the CNS via the Pineal.
Sips 8, introduces “The Micro Crystal System“. Recent research has discovered billions of biogenic magnetite crystals located within the plasma membrane of cells in the brain and body. Magnetite crystal is the first truly novel material to be discovered as a biochemical precipitate in human tissues since the dawn of medical science and is also the only known metallic compound to be made by living organisms. Magnetite crystals possess the highest electrical conductivity and therefore magnetic potential of any cellular material. As piezoelectric oscillators, their role in the reception, storage and transmission of information within the cell, from cell to cell and throughout the body is without bounds.
The concept of “The Pineal Brain” demonstrates the far reaching role this tiny yet fascinating organ plays in all our energy and biological systems. A Pineal Alignment Protocol (PAP) is presented.
Learning Outcomes:
- The Human Defence System, including the Lymphatic & Immune Systems is covered in detail and is an invaluable addition for healing, repair and immune imbalances.
- The functional relationship of the Pineal and the Immune System is also explored as the crux of a sophisticated immunoneuroendocrine network.
- The subject of DMT requires a detailed look at amino acids, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and the role of the pineal relative to brain function, the CNS and consciousness.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
21 hours, taught over three consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
SIPS Physical Connection as the title suggests focuses our attention on the level of the physical body and in effect is SIPS ZERO (0) in the Human Body Energy Model.
In this workshop learn to balance the physical body level via the physical connection and the SIPS Zero level of amperage and resistance in conjunction with many new stress indicator points.
Major topics include physical body energy, earth energy, body chemistry, the cellular level, cell alignment protocol, nutrition, metabolism and cellular respiration, vitamins, minerals, tissue salts, body fluids and electrolytes, toxicity, allergic reactions and the nutrition alignment protocol.
SIPS Physical Connection provides a breadth of information and stress indicator points to access working within the physical body at its most fundamental level.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
15 hours, taught over two consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
Balancing the primary Integration Centre for Primary Body Alignment. All reflex systems, e.g. Gait Reflexes, Cloacal Reflexes other Righting Reflexes must be integrated at a higher level – the SIPS Body Alignment Proprioception Point accesses this primary integration. The body structure is largely controlled by three planes of the cranium and primary postural feedback: the plane of the Temporomandibular Joint, the cranial plane of the Atlas, the Sphenoidal plane of the eyes and the feedback system of the Foot Pressure Sensors. The BAP set-up accesses all of these primary systems in one integrated system and balances the Structural Misalignment of the Body utilising the self-healing properties of the body to bring the spine, jaw, cranial, hip and shoulder girdles into proper alignment.
Learning Outcomes:
- Dura Mater and how it influences the body, spinal circuits and brain
- How to perform an interactive balance of the Sphenoid, TMJ, Atlas in both static and dynamic protocols
- How to balance gaits, hyoid and Pitch, Roll & Y aw and tilt simultaneously and quickly
- How about the interconnectedness of the human Skeletal-Muscular System
- How to gently balance Atlas and spinal stress Kinesiologically without “adjustments”
- How to balance the Dura Mater and release the stress on the back and neck.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
8 hours.
While it is not essential that VIP students have taken all of the other levels of SIPS, this is a SIPS class and they must have previous training and familiarity with SIPS protocols and theory. There are some concepts and points demonstrated that we won’t have time to go into in depth in a one-day workshop.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
SIPS VIP is a quick one-day workshop designed to help practitioners deal with recent threats to the immune system. Rather than presenting pages of new points, it is mostly drawing on points from other levels, (particularly Levels 5, 7, Bio and H2O) and arranges them into a series of 5 intricate protocols. These protocols take the practitioner on a logical progression from making sure the immune system is ready and able to do its job, to appropriate response to a viral stimulus, to completely eradicating all trace of the invader from the system. We will discuss the general workings of the immune system immunopathology, the energetic immune defense system (and the crystalline structures involved), and go through the protocols with an emphasis on practical application.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory. Recordings may be available to students who attended, at the instructor’s discretion.
15 hours, taught over two consecutive days.
SIPS International has trained and certified SIPS instructors around the world in several different languages.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for SIPS courses taught through the College. Instructors teaching this course outside of the College are responsible for distributing certificates to their students.
At this time all SIPS courses taught through the College are with instructor Alexis Costello, but you can go to to see all upcoming SIPS courses.
- has attended SIPS classes from levels 1-5 with a certified instructor
- has attended levels 1 & 2 at least twice
- has been working with the SIPS system for a reasonable period of time- good ethics and sensitivity demonstrated
What to expect:
This is a two-day workshop based on material from SIPS 1 & 2. It includes some of the material that is usually given to instructors in order to deepen your understanding of the SIPS system. The first day and a half are review and refining of technique, followed by a written and practical assessment.
This is not an Instructor Training class, but it is a requirement for those wishing to become instructors in the future. Once a student has completed this class and the assessments successfully, they may submit an application for Instructor Training. There is a preference for SIPS Instructors to have taken the Touch For Health Instructor Training Workshop, but this is not a firm requirement. For those not interested in teaching, this would give you a deeper understanding and confidence in SIPS, as well as a new version of the knee protocol and meridian matrix that would make them easier to use in your practice.
BIT classes are either taught in-person or online at a specific time with an instructor. Students will be expected to have cameras on and someone to work with for this class (the instructor can offer more details about what times you may need a partner.)
At this time all BIT courses taught through the College are with instructor Nancy Loedy, but you can go to to see all upcoming BIT courses.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
4 days.
At this time all BIT courses taught through the College are with instructor Nancy Loedy, but you can go to to see all upcoming BIT courses.
Crossinology’s PreBIT is a 4 day class that covers muscle testing and corrections, allowing you to address food sensitivities, candida, cravings, chakras, meridians, emotional problems and physical ailments. Students can stay with this focus, go on to BIT 1, or can go straight to Muscle ReActivation.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
10 days.
PreBIT, 60 hours of approved case studies.
***students must have already been integrated by a Crossinology student or practitioner to enter this class***
Required reading:
Breaking the Learning Barrier, Susan McCrossin.
Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber, ch. 1-7,9,10
At this time all BIT courses taught through the College are with instructor Nancy Loedy, but you can go to to see all upcoming BIT courses.
BIT 1 is a 10 day class which teaches the theory and application of Crossinology’s protocol for Specific Learning Difficulties including ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, and a host of other learning difficulties. Students learn the prevailing theories of brain function for academics and how to improve function of the brain for major results. BIT also includes an assessment using factors from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WISC) to show improvement for students of all ages. Students can go on to be Crossinology Brain Integration Practitioners, or use the technique to help their friends and families.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
10 days.
BIT 1, 10 completed case studies.
At this time all BIT courses taught through the College are with instructor Nancy Loedy, but you can go to to see all upcoming BIT courses.
BIT 2 is a 10 day class which reviews and expands upon the data in BIT 1. Students are tested on the technique, demonstrate their abilities, and review many specific cases. After completion of BIT 2, and submitting 10 completed protocol case studies (roughly 120 hours), students may be certified by Susan McCrossin and may practice Crossinology Brain Integration in good faith.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
2 days.
PreBIT, BIT 1 and 2.
At this time all BIT courses taught through the College are with instructor Nancy Loedy, but you can go to to see all upcoming BIT courses.
Advanced BIT is a 2 day class that explores the brain stem, cerebellar areas and working memory. Students practice and demonstrate formatting for all deep brain areas and learn how to cross-reference them for maximum efficacy.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
3 days.
PreBIT, BIT 1 and 2.
At this time all BIT courses taught through the College are with instructor Nancy Loedy, but you can go to to see all upcoming BIT courses.
Brain Physiology is a 3 day class which explores the limbic system in deep detail. Students learn to use these formats to expand upon and enhance the Crossinology protocol for even better results. The instructor covers common limbic system diagnoses and symptoms like PTSD, POTS, anxiety, depression, OCD, sensory processing issues and more.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
3 days.
At this time all BIT courses taught through the College are with instructor Nancy Loedy, but you can go to to see all upcoming BIT courses.
Muscle ReActivation is a stand alone class with only PreBIT as a prerequisite. In this class, students learn the Applied Kinesiological muscle positions and how to rewire each muscle to rehabilitate or prevent injury. Muscle ReActivation does not require learning the Crossinology protocol (BIT 1 and BIT 2).
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
2 days.
BIT 1.
At this time all BIT courses taught through the College are with instructor Nancy Loedy, but you can go to to see all upcoming BIT courses.
This two-day workshop explores extended techniques based on BIT formatting. The instructor will cover many ways to modify and enhance regular formatting, and how to cross-reference components of your choice for a truly personalized client experience.
In-person or online (see Events calendar to find upcoming courses).
Attendance mandatory.
1 day.
Any foundation course in muscle response testing.
At this time all BIT courses taught through the College are with instructor Nancy Loedy, but you can go to to see all upcoming BIT courses.
This one day workshop is designed to fill the cup for those helping others. Journaling, visualization and meditation will play a role in this eye-opening journey within. Students will learn how to cut through layers of mental chatter to access rich areas of wisdom inside. Recommended for those practitioners who are ready to take their practice to a new level, and for those seeking to combine their current practice with passion from within.
Developed by Denise Cambiotti, Muscle Tuners offers a complete set of tools to become a health and wellness practitioner or improve your practice. With a focus on improving functionality and reducing pain, these online workshops provide new knowledge for practitioners of every level, with an at-your-own-pace learning model and ongoing support.
Whether you want to become a certified Muscle Tuner Specialist or just gain some tips for maintaining balance longer, check out the list below to find the class you need!
Note: Clicking the “more information” links on any Muscle Tuners® course in this catalog or on individual course pages will redirect you to the Muscle Tuners International Inc. website, where you can purchase and access these courses. The GEMS College cannot directly supply these courses, though it is an affiliate and sponsor of Muscle Tuners programs through the links provided on each individual course here.
Online, learn at your own pace, evergreen access. Colour manual mailed to your door. Optional weekly group coaching for six months included.
24 hours on average.
(go to course)
Competent in English.
Muscle Tuners International Inc. is not a college nor a school. This company provides the training and support for its customers to develop competency in the process of Muscle Tuning™. When an online practical assessment and online written exam are successfully completed, the customer may enter into a yearly trademark license agreement at which point the customer may advertise themselves as a licensed Muscle Tuner® Specialist.
Learning Outcomes:
- History and theory of ‘energy’ muscle testing
- Accurate muscle testing
- Pre-Tuning and Importance of Subjective Measurements
- Know how to assess 52 muscles for under- and over-facilitation
- How to apply numerous corrective techniques: Bilateral spinal reflexes; Neuro-Lymphatic reflexes; Neuro-Vascular reflexes; origin and insertion technique; Spindle cells and Golgi tendon technique; Dynamic Tissue Reset™ technique
- Drain the effect of emotional stress stored in the body’s tissues and meridian system
- Efficiently select and apply the best correction to optimally facilitate each muscle
- Four Protocols for range of motion issues and chronic pain: Reactive Muscle Reset; Gait Mechanism Reset; Dynamic Tissue Reset™ Cycle; Dynamic Emotional Alignment Reset
- How to work with clients
More information can be found here.
Online, learn at your own pace, evergreen access.
Colour indexed manual mailed to your door.
8.5 hours of recordings and numerous PDF downloads.
(go to course)
Competent in English.
Experience in muscle testing from head to foot and working with clients.
Muscle Tuners International Inc. is not a college nor a school however you will receive a certificate of completion noting 8.5 hours of study time after you finish all the modules.
Continue refining your skills; add more muscle assessments; provide unique and fully customized corrections for each client.
Learning Outcomes:
- Basics refresher
- Dynamic Tissue Reset™ correction to drain electrical and emotional stress rapidly
- Discussion of Postural Deviations
- How to perform rapid demonstrations to attract new clients
- Shortcut to working with the 52 muscles of the Foundations Program
- Introduction to, and use of, basic Finger Modes
- Stacking information into Pause Lock
- Finding and working with hidden Imbalances by activating dynamic and postural reflexes, employing fascial assessments and uncover which structures are on the brink of becoming an issue, but appear to be okay with regular assessments
- Integrating session benefits
- Sedating unreachable or difficult tissues such as Psoas, Subscapularis, Abdominals, Sacrospinalis
- Fully customize client corrections
- 38 more muscles: 1 – torso; 3 – elbow; 5 – wrist; 6 – thumb; 4 fingers; 6 – hop; 2 – knee; 9 toes
- Working with Jet Lag or resetting the Body Clock
- Additional techniques for recurring challenges
More information can be found here.
Online, learn at your own pace, evergreen access.
Colour indexed manual mailed to your door.
4.5 hours of recordings and numerous PDF downloads.
(go to course)
Competent in English.
Experience in muscle testing from head to foot and working with clients.
Muscle Tuners International Inc. is not a college nor a school however you will receive a certificate of completion noting 8.5 hours of study time after you finish all the modules.
Extend your ability enormously by learning to work with any physical structure of the body. Provide unique and fully customized corrections for each client.
Learning Outcomes:
- Basics Refresher
- Dynamic Tissue Reset™ correction to drain electrical and emotional stress rapidly
- Theory and ability to work with an individual surrogating for another person
- Theory and ability to work with any inaccessible tissue of the body which includes: Pelvic floor muscles, TMJ muscles, eye muscles, Intrinsic muscles of the spine, Valves, and specific Tendons and Ligaments.
More information can be found here.
Online, learn at your own pace, evergreen access.
Downloadable manual.
8.5 hours of recordings and numerous PDF downloads.
(go to course)
Competent in English.
Experience in muscle testing from head to foot and working with clients.
Muscle Tuners International Inc. is not a college nor a school however you will receive a certificate of completion noting 3 hours of study after you finish the fourteen videos.
Muscles bully other muscles causing chronic pain and lack of durable balancing results. If you didn’t know this yet, you are in for a treat in working with a crown-jewel technique for finally releasing chronic pain patterns. If you learned it but haven’t enjoyed working with this process because you have been challenged by all the ‘rules’ to identifying the Reactor / Reactive muscle pairs, we have simplified the approach, allowing you to identify issues in minutes, not hours!
Learning Outcomes:
- Basics refresher
- Understanding and applying the ‘reset dance’ the ‘Muscle Tuner’ way
- Applying this knowledge to reactive situations within the meridian system, muscles to meridians or vice versa, and reactivity in the chakra system
More information can be found here.
Online, learn at your own pace, evergreen access to 38 video lessons.
Full colour, 43 page downloadable PDF manual.
2.75 hours of recordings and numerous PDF downloads.
Optional online multiple choice assessment which may suffice your licensing body’s Continuing Education Credit program.
Competent in English.
No prior experience necessary.
A great review for Touch for Health® students.
Muscle Tuners International Inc. is not a college nor a school however you will receive a certificate of completion noting 3 hours of study after you finish the 38 videos.
A professional level program showing the key activity for helping oneself and others experience greater physical coordination, stability, groundedness, centeredness and focus. A frequent side effect is reduced pain and longer lasting results regardless of what type of body work you currently offer.
Learning Outcomes:
- Accurate muscle testing skills
- Set up for successful assessments
- Testing and correcting 11 key postural muscles
- Five ways to instantly facilitate these muscles
- Combining muscle tests relating to the walking / running gait patterns
- Understanding of and ability to reset neuro-muscular communication pathways to improve walking and running gait patterns
- Self-care process
- Ability to make a powerful difference in the lives of seniors, athletes, dancers, gymnasts, golfers and anyone who stands a great deal during the day.
More information can be found here.
Section in progress…