This workshop is being taught by Hannah Costello and Ezra Costello as an 8-day intensive and the price and registration on the right is for all four levels. If you would like to just take level one for now and see what you think (you can always decide to stay the rest of the week!) or if you’ve already taken some TFH workshops and want to continue your journey with us, you are welcome to show up for the levels you need. If you’re not taking all four, just email [email protected] to register! Individual levels are $250usd.
Course Description
Touch for Health is usually taught in a series of four weekends or in a week-long intensive retreat. It is the foundation of Specialized Kinesiology. Over the course of the four levels students learn how to monitor 42 muscles and a series of simple yet powerful corrective techniques. These muscles work as indicators for the 14 pathways of meridian flow.
The full Touch for Health™ Course Syllabus as approved by the International Kinesiology College is laid out below for each level.
Upon finishing the four levels, you can take a Proficiency Assessment as part of your criteria towards the TFH Consultant Program or in preparation for the TFH Instructor Workshop.
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) instructors. These certificates are recognized around the world.
Learning Outcomes
Touch for Health™ Level 1 (15 hours)
Opposing Muscle Theory/Triangle of Health
Accurate Muscle Testing
Switch On – K27, CV24 & GV27, GV1+Navel
Water Check / Central Meridian Check / Permissions
Cross Crawl for Fun
General Meridian Massage
Origin/Insertion Technique
Bilateral Muscle Correction Technique
Emotional Stress Release
Strengthening with Foods
Visual Inhibition & Auricular Exercise
Surrogate Testing
Simple Pain Techniques – running meridians, feathering
Posture Awareness, Goal Balancing
Touch for Health™ Level 2 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1
Pre-tests and Corrections using Circuit Locating
Golgi / Spindle Proprioceptors
Acupressure Holding Points, Yin/Yang
Balancing using Wheel
Alarm Points – Over Energy
Law of Five Element Theory
ESR for Future Performance
Meridian Massage
Cross Crawl for Integration
Cerebro-Spinal Technique
Food Testing
Neurolymphatic Release
Touch for Health™ Level 3 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1 & TFH 2
5 Element Goal Balancing with Emotions
5 Element Goal Balancing with Food
Acupressure Holding Points Theory & Practice (Sedation Techniques)
Color Balance
Pulses and Pain Tapping
Circuit Retaining Mode
Reactive Muscles
Facilitation and Inhibition
ESR for Past Trauma
Touch for Health™ Level 4 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1 to TFH 3
Figure 8 Energy
Five Elements and Meridian Review
Five Element Emotion
Balancing with Sound
Acupressure Holding Points in Depth
Luo Points
Time of Day Balance
Postural Stress Release
Neurolymphatic Release
Posture Analysis
42 Muscle Balance Head to Toe