Jumpstart your career (or powerful new hobby) with this masterclass in muscle testing basics that will take you from your first muscle to completing sessions with clients in just 11 days! You’ll learn 42 muscles, 14 meridians, and 5 elements, not to mention numerous effective techniques for self-care, stress release, and healing.
Instructor: Hannah Costello
Dates: Wednesday March 20th to Saturday March 30th, 2024
This intensive contains all four levels of Touch for Health plus GEMS Flow, and it will be conducted both live in Costa Rica and online.
If you are going to attend online, you must purchase a copy of the Touch for Health Complete Edition textbook (through Amazon or the Kinesiology Bookstore) and have it delivered before March 20th. If you cannot do this or have any questions, please reach out.
If you are attending in person in Costa Rica, please register and message me at least a week in advance so I can print you a manual and send you directions!
Below you will see the timeline for how these courses fit. As you can see, there are break days included. Following that is a breakdown of what each class covers. You can purchase the entire intensive (all five classes) by buying your ticket using the buttons to the right. You can also buy each course individually if you’re just interested in taking a level or two! Clicking on any of the class titles will bring you to the individual event. If you buy courses individually and then decide you would like to attend the entire intensive, the amount you have paid for individual classes will be put towards the discounted price of the intensive package.
TFH 1 ~ Mar. 20-21
TFH 2 ~ Mar. 22-23
TFH 3 ~ Mar. 24-25
BREAK ~ Mar. 26
TFH 4 ~ Mar. 27-28
BREAK ~ Mar. 29
GEMS Flow ~ Mar. 30
INSTRUCTOR: Hannah Costello
Course Description:
Touch for Health is usually taught in a series of four weekends or in a week-long intensive retreat. It is the foundation of Specialized Kinesiology. Over the course of the four levels students learn how to monitor 42 muscles and a series of simple yet powerful corrective techniques. These muscles work as indicators for the 14 pathways of meridian flow.
The full Touch for Health™ Course Syllabus as approved by the International Kinesiology College is laid out below for each level. Check the schedule for upcoming classes.
Upon finishing the four levels, you can take a Proficiency Assessment as part of your criteria towards the TFH Consultant Program or in preparation for the TFH Instructor Workshop.
Our courses are taught by International Kinesiology College (IKC) instructors. These certificates are recognized around the world.
Learning Outcomes:
Touch for Health™ Level 1 (15 hours)
Opposing Muscle Theory/Triangle of Health
Accurate Muscle Testing
Switch On – K27, CV24 & GV27, GV1+Navel
Water Check / Central Meridian Check / Permissions
Cross Crawl for Fun
General Meridian Massage
Origin/Insertion Technique
Bilateral Muscle Correction Technique
Emotional Stress Release
Strengthening with Foods
Visual Inhibition & Auricular Exercise
Surrogate Testing
Simple Pain Techniques – running meridians, feathering
Posture Awareness, Goal Balancing
Touch for Health™ Level 2 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1
Pre-tests and Corrections using Circuit Locating
Golgi / Spindle Proprioceptors
Acupressure Holding Points, Yin/Yang
Balancing using Wheel
Alarm Points – Over Energy
Law of Five Element Theory
ESR for Future Performance
Meridian Massage
Cross Crawl for Integration
Cerebro-Spinal Technique
Food Testing
Neurolymphatic Release
Touch for Health™ Level 3 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1 & TFH 2
5 Element Goal Balancing with Emotions
5 Element Goal Balancing with Food
Acupressure Holding Points Theory & Practice (Sedation Techniques)
Color Balance
Pulses and Pain Tapping
Circuit Retaining Mode
Reactive Muscles
Facilitation and Inhibition
ESR for Past Trauma
Touch for Health™ Level 4 (15 hours)
Review of TFH 1 to TFH 3
Figure 8 Energy
Five Elements and Meridian Review
Five Element Emotion
Balancing with Sound
Acupressure Holding Points in Depth
Luo Points
Time of Day Balance
Postural Stress Release
Neurolymphatic Release
Posture Analysis
42 Muscle Balance Head to Toe
GEMS Flow offers an easy-to-follow flow chart that allows a student or practitioner to easily figure out where the priority stressors for an individual are and what balancing technique will work to resolve these efficiently. It is based on information from the TFH synthesis and is designed to allow a practitioner to flow easily from one modality to another, incorporating the entire body of knowledge available to the individual.
GEMS also works as a bridging class for those interested in taking more in-depth Specialized Kinesiology classes, such as SIPS, LEAP, Brain Integration, etc. These classes assume that a student has knowledge of how to use finger-modes and scan sheets, work from an indicator muscle and properly stack information however none of these techniques are part of the TFH curriculum. GEMS familiarizes students with these methods so one does not feel overwhelmed when arriving to the classroom of more advanced courses.
The GEMS College of Energy Medicine has trained and certified GEMS instructors around the world in several different languages. Our certified instructors have access to support and resource materials that are updated as needed so we can all continue to teach consistent and relevant material.
The College will distribute certificates after course attendance for GEMS courses taught through the College.
At this time all GEMS courses taught through the College are in English, however there are currently instructors teaching in Dutch, French, and Polish, and we can connect you with an instructor in your language if you are interested, or you can go to gemskinesiology.com to see the GEMS directory.
Learning Outcomes:
- Proper protocols for hand modes and stacking
- Working with the Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- The ability to move quickly and fluidly to the root of the issue
- Integration of all modalities under one umbrella
- Practical learning experience with demonstration
Value of all classes: $1600
Price: $1400
Saving: 12.5%
Contact us with any questions or if you plan to attend in person! [email protected]
If you plan to attend online, you must purchase the Touch for Health Complete Edition online and have it delivered before the start of class. Local students attending in person will get their manuals on the morning of the workshop.